Hi there!


My name is Mo Wildman and I’m the founder of Wild Life Ranch, here in Arvada, Colorado. I’ve dreamed about living in an intentional community ever since I lived in a Buddhist monastery for some time in 2017 and then in a Buddhist lay community the following year. For the last 6 years I kept on visiting and learning about intentional communities in all shapes and forms both in the US and in Europe. Finally, I decided I wanted to start my own with a unique flavor, combining practices and visions I’d picked up along the way. And so the vision for Wild Life Ranch was born!

My personal intention for living in community is to develop deep and intimate relationships with a stable and committed group of people that chooses to support each other through the ups and downs of life. I’m looking to create a modern tribe and village where we combine both the accomplishments of our current Western roots with the wisdom of our ancient, tribal living environments.

I feel fortunate to have found financial success early on in life, founding a tech business that allowed me to retire at 26. When I accomplished this dream, I fell into an empty space of nothingness, not knowing what to do with my life. It took me the last 7 years to learn how to orient myself not around wealth creation or earning a living, but around living life for the purpose of being alive. My transition to follow my aliveness as an ever changing experience instead of fixed ideas like money and success is an ongoing one! The biggest support I received in this transition has come from learning to notice the sensations and experiences of my body. I’ve become a full-time student and sometimes teacher of embodiment practices, specifically training in Somatic Experiencing, studying the Grinberg Method, Radical Honesty and various meditation techniques that helped me tune into what I’m experiencing in my body and help me make decisions. Since I lived most of my life from the neck up, not knowing or being able to name my sensations and emotions, this shift has transformed me in so many ways and remains my biggest ongoing practice.

Becoming embodied and practicing radical aliveness is a central piece of Wild Life Ranch. I want to bring this about by being pro-active in conflict resolution, clearing resentments and unspoken emotions with each other frequently and normalizing it. And by encouraging everyone in the community to follow their own aliveness, regardless of the craft and the ways someone wants to go about that.

If you’d like to find out more about me, you can google my old name, Leo Widrich, and you’ll find lots of information about my past work, which is likely out of date, but possibly gives you a bit more of an idea about how I came to be the person that I am today.

I look forward to connecting with you and welcoming you at WLR, I feel so lucky to be living my dream and would love to collaborate with others living theirs.

Community Agreements & Values

My word is my bond

I do as I say and I say as I intend to do. I live aligned with my word. I’m able to change my mind and previously made agreements and I will let people know about it. I acknowledge if I slip up and recommit to my agreement.

Revealing my reality

I like to and commit to reveal the reality about my body sensations, thoughts and emotions, in particular my moments of tension, as well as appreciation in relationship to other community members. When I notice I’ve withheld something, I go and reveal it as soon as I become aware of my withhold.

Alignment with nature

I live in alignment with nature and honest necessity and abundance. I neither deprive myself nor indulge in experiences that I long for.

Asking for what I want

I take responsibility for my needs, reveal my wishes and ask for what I want. I commit to framing my asks as requests that can be received with a yes or no.


My endeavors are self-sustaining and don’t require charity or capital outside of their own circular nature.


We have enough money and resources to do all that we want and are prepared for downturns and always have a little extra to help us get through hard times.